"To instruct someone ... is not a matter of getting one to commit results to mind. Rather, it is to teach to participate in the process that makes possible the established knowledge ... Knowing is a process not a product"
(Bruner 1966: p. 72)
For Units 1 & 2, assessment tasks are school-based and can include two outcomes each, with suitable tasks for assessment in this unit outlined from the study design below for teachers to use as a guide in their lesson planning (VCAA, 2023). I have included two worked examples as reference to each:
1. a multimodal record of evidence of research, development and conceptualisation of products as well as a reflection on collaboration, teamwork and ways to improve in the future
2. practical work: a demonstration of graphical and physical product concepts including prototyping and making final proof of concept along with a finished product.
This visual diary is meant to simulate what a creative process for Unit 1, AOS 2, Outcome 2 could be to reach the criteria of record of evidence and practical work.
VCAA (2023) defines that records of evidence may be created in a physical or digital format, or a combination of both mediums, with physical evidence presented in an assessable size (such as A4 or A3). There are different platforms that are suggested for digital evidence that include Canva, Evernote, Google Slides, OneNote (part of the Microsoft Office suite), PowerPoint, Publisher, Weebly, WordPress, Wix or a similar online platform (VCAA, 2023).
Each element of the folio attends to an aspect of the study design and can be used as a guide in how to approach the design process. In this mock-up folio example, the ‘student’ engages with the tasks as a researcher through an inquiry lens to navigate the process; a skill that involved sorting through the information gained, synthesising, reflecting and acting on their understandings (Murdoch & Wilson, 2009).
Whilst most of the images used in the folio have been sourced externally, I have included some of my own previous work including some sketches, handmade plastic eco-couture and my ongoing work into eco-dyeing and print techniques using plants and natural fabric remnants.
1. folio
Use the left and right arrows to navigate below. If you have trouble viewing you can download the different formats here

2. design prototype
Below is a video documenting the process I undertook in creating my own recycled garment design. This may be used as a prototype sample to bring to class as an example of a product that was informed by sustainable practices and still meets the criteria of a functional product. I may mention design decisions such as:
I have applied experimental methods and techniques to create a new fabrication made from plastic bags which would otherwise go to waste (discuss environmental implications)
I have chosen to design a raincoat due to the waterproof qualities that plastic has and the ‘shell-like’ structure is lightweight to wear over an existing outfit.
The oversized hood provides the wearer with extra protection to the wind and rain
Improvements to consider may be:
how to increase breathability
improve ease of movement (currently restricted due to stiffness of heated plastic) or
how to increase insulation through a warm lining?