I have put together an archive of resources to help a VCD teacher teach the content in the Study Design and my devised Unit Planner. This page includes links from a range of media sources for inclusive learning- in the form of videos, magazines, blogs and documents. These links are also useful for students' scaffolding and revision of information, as well as beneficial for my own future teaching and creative practice. I endeavour to continue adding to this archive throughout my academic and professional experiences.
(It is important to note that curriculum resources may be specific to the 2023-2027 VCE VCD study design only and government directive documents may be updated)
These curriculum resources are designed to be utilised by teachers for the planning and implementation of VCE Visual Communication Design. It contains links to Victorian and national advisory documents and cross-curricular education
These resources are suited for both students and teachers to utilise throughout the design process. They offer guidance on the full design process, documentation of folio, presentation of concepts and industry insights to shape their design practice.
design development
digital & manual skills
These resources are suited for both students and teachers to utilise both in their class and at home environments for development and further enrichment of technical skills- including rendering and rasterisation, perspective drawing, layout work, proficiency in a diverse range of materials and methods