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Welcome to Unit 3 VCE Art Creative Practice!
Before the unit commences please ensure you have thoroughly read the IMPORTANT links section. Please purchase the textbook and a FOLIO and start archiving artists, art mediums and art forms which interest you so you can begin this semester inspired......

In this study, Creative Practice is viewed as a continuous (iterative) process essential to the conceptualization, development, and creation of artworks. It consists of four components rooted in art practice, as well as experiential, inquiry, and project-based learning.
These components are:
Research and exploration
Experimentation and development
Refinement and resolution
Reflection and evaluation.
These components are interconnected and cyclical, without a fixed sequence that prioritizes one over the others. Students can begin with any component and engage with a combination of them in a fluid, creative process.
This study aims to help students:
Understand how artists and artworks reflect the values, beliefs, and traditions of various cultures.
Analyze, interpret, and respond to artworks and ideas, using Interpretive Lenses for support.
Critically evaluate ideas explored by historical and contemporary artists from diverse cultures.
Develop personal expression and ideas through art-making and responding
Enhance practical skills and conceptual understanding to inform their aesthetic awareness and art practice.
Cultivate creative and critical thinking in their individual responses to artworks and art practice.
The study is made up of four units.
•Unit 1: Interpreting artworks and exploring the Creative Practice
•Unit 2: Interpreting artworks and developing the Creative Practice
•Unit 3: Investigation, ideas, artworks and the Creative Practice
Unit 4: Interpreting, resolving and presenting artworks and the Creative Practice
Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and key skills. A glossary defining terms used across Units 1 to 4 in the VCE Art Creative Practice Study Design is included in the 'Support materials' section (VCAA, 2023)